I am a glass artist and designer based in Adelaide, South Australia, I produce glass products for wholesale, bespoke design-ware and exhibition pieces.
My products all stem from learning new techniques and processes, and are all designed to be functional and enjoyed through use. I hand-blow all my products and enjoy the processes of production blowing and working in a studio team. My bespoke designs also stem from the production processes, and are made through experimenting with techniques. I enjoy combining coldworking processes within hot glass, and feel there is a lot of potential for new design through exploring what can be achieved through cutting and forming glass after it has been blown.
My exhibition works explore aspects of origin and evolution, and natural order. Through investigations into the materiality of landscape, my work explores the notions of space and place, and seeks to represent the aspects that generate a sense of place and the sublime. I am interested in the elements that create the spaces we live in; the physicality of landscape and the ephemeral qualities of weather and the seasons, and exploring this through the refractive and reflective qualities of glass.
I graduated with first class Honours from the South Australian School of Art in 2007, specialising in glass, and have developed a career in glass since. I have been the recipient of a number of awards, including Fleurieu Youth Art Prize (2008) the Ruth Tuck Scholarship (2012), the Procter Fellowship with the Australian National University (2015) and a Catapult mentorship with Guildhouse (2019).
I have exhibited extensively throughout my career, and have participated in some noteworthy exhibitions, including object Gallery’s Annual Manual, PICS, Ranamok Glass prize Talente, and have continued to develop work, had have had solo show here and interstate.
I have been involved with JamFactory since 2010, initially as an Associate in the training program, then as Program Manager since 2012, and now as the Head of the Glass Studio.